My books on manufacturing

My books on manufacturing
My books on manufacturing history
Showing posts with label Great Exhibition of 1851. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Exhibition of 1851. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2024

Lessons learnt from a quarter of a millennium of British Manufacturing

Text of talk to University of Lincoln engineering students – December 2024

I draw extensively on my books How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World and Vehicles to Vaccines and subsequent research published on my website

You stand in the footsteps of giants, or do you? Many people view the story of British manufacturing with reverence, others are dismissive. Probably both are right. I want to dig back and explore the last two hundred and fifty years to unearth what lessons there are that could be useful to you, tomorrow’s manufacturers

Let’s go back to the beginning the transition from trading to making.

I take as my view point the Great Exhibition of 1851. It was to be a ‘Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. A great people inviting all civilised nations to a festival to bring into comparison the works of human skill.’

There were 100,000 exhibits from 14,000 individuals and companies from the United Kingdom and overseas, with some 60% from the home nations. This was roughly the date that other countries enter the game: Germany and France and, after the civil war, America. They were evident at the Great Exhibition, as I tell in this link, but rather looked down upon by the host nation. There were a few Brits who looked on with a more enquiring eye and saw evidence of rapidly advancing technology. The Crystal Palace designed by Joseph Paxton covered some 900,000 square feet and welcomed six million visitors over that summer of 1851.

My great grandfather, Richard Williams, was manager of surgical instrument makers Weiss & Son at 62, The Strand just over the road from where he had been born half a century earlier. Richard had been secretary of the group of instrument makers responsible for their part of the exhibition. I found a copy of the exhibition catalogue and it read like a list of old friends – the names of companies known but some long forgotten. Ransome farm machinery, Gillow furniture, Savory and Moore medicines, Maudsely and Napier engineers, Butterley steel which incidentally had an underground wharf on the Cromford canal. Naysmith. Elliott & Sons instruments. William Hollins and Samuel Courtauld.

I had to find where they had come from and where they went. Some of the names took me back to the start.

The rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate. This was perhaps Britain in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. Britain was by all accounts a place of settled economy. Land owners were rich and the rest weren’t. This conservative scene may have continued uninterrupted had it not been for the sea. The British couldn’t resist the temptation of taking to boats to see what was beyond the horizon. Having reached land, being British, the instinct then was to trade. It worked wonderfully, the wealthy landowners could use some of their wealth to buy the beautiful things that adventurers brought home. It wasn’t only beautiful things, it was exotic tastes like tea and sugar. It transformed the lives of the wealthy; the adventurers didn’t do too badly either; wealth began to leak into a small but growing part of the population: the merchant class; the nation of shopkeepers so derided by Napoleon.

The demand for shipping grew and forests were being denuded at an alarming rate. Forests which were also a store of energy for heating and cooking as well as smelting ore to find metal from which all manner of device could be made. If wood or charcoal could no longer be used, what was the alternative.

Those canny Brits living in the north east already knew the answer, for they had been collecting seacoal, as opposed to charcoal, from beaches for centuries. What’s more, they found that if you scraped the surface you could find more seacoal underneath. It was filthy and gave off noxious fumes but it provided heat when heat was needed.

None of this story is strictly linear, but some things did follow as a consequence of others.

Beautiful cloth was imported from India and this made sense because cotton grew there and they had been making it into wonderful garments for centuries. British textile merchants, who had for centuries run their supply chain of wool and flax spinners and weavers, recognised an opportunity. Why not let Lancashire spinners and weavers make the cloth from imported cotton?

It was an opportunity not to be missed until Napoleon came along.

British merchants had developed a nice little continental market for their cotton cloth. The Napoleonic wars scuppered that and prices collapsed. Somehow costs had to be reduced. There wasn’t enough scope in paying yet less to the weavers and spinners, something else was needed.


The British had always been finding better ways of doing things. John Kay with his flying shuttle; James Hargreaves with the spinning jenny, Samuel Crompton’s mule and Richard Arkwright’s mechanised factory. Spinning was much easier to mechanise than weaving and so ran ahead such that yarn was exported to weavers on the continent – much to the displeasure of British weavers.

Machines were initially made of wood but to be faster demanded metal for their construction. Elsewhere in the forest, as they say, iron masters were finding better ways to make metal and better metals in the form of brass and steel.

For the development of steel we look to Sheffield and John Brown but in terms of technical developments to William Siemens and Henry Bessemer. Britain was ahead but not far behind was Krupp in Germany and Carnegie in the USA. Contrasting Britain with France and Germany we note in the UK the lack of university education for engineers. This stemmed from the traditions of the old universities which placed emphasis on the classics. There is an example from much later of the University of Birmingham being reluctant to accept sponsorship of a chair in manufacturing from Lucas.

The making of metals demanded more coal and more coal demanded deeper mines. Deeper mines brought the twin problems of flooding with water and foul air. The solution was found in the hands of men like Newcomen, Blenkinsop and Hackworth, first with the atmospheric engine to pump the water to the surface. Ever ingenious, this water was then used to power waterwheels which, in turn, could power a lift to bring the hard won coal to the surface and onwards to the canal and the final customer.


But back to the mill. All this mechanisation in textile manufacture was fine so long as you were near a fast flowing  river and could harness its power to drive waterwheels to work machines. What was needed was rotational power that did not need a fast flowing river and this brings us to Birmingham.

This is and was  a remarkable place. In the seventeenth and eighteen century it was a town of workshops. Accounts from the time tell of innumerable chimneys puffing out smoke as all manner of metal was worked into tools, weapons and toys – those items of delight that so thrilled the monied classes. The very special thing about Birmingham was that each workshop carried out a single process, with the item passed on to the neighbour for the next process and so on. It was classical division of labour, a production line, if you like. London also adopted division of labour perhaps to an even greater degree, The other special thing about Birmingham was a man named Watt in partnership with Boulton. Watt did of course crack the problem of rotational motion powered by steam.

Now there was no stopping this people.

Rotational motion powered by steam worked a dream in cotton mills, and the percentage of cotton clothing worn by the British and Europeans increased dramatically. It was itself a revolution but one not without its dark side as the cotton was picked by slaves and the working conditions in the mills and mines for men, women and children were appalling. Both issues have been explored extensively elsewhere. They are fundamental to the industrial revolution and, along with the impetus to manufacturing provided by war, are crucial but dark parts of this story.

It is interesting, though, to try to identify just what it was that drove the massive increase in cotton consumption. One school of thought puts it down to domestic demand; people wanted clothing they could wash. Or was it the export markets? I suspect a bit of both. But back to steam.

We had the factories, could steam also help the transport problem? Canals were great, but slow. Trevithic, Stephenson and Isembard Kingdom Brunel and the railways beckoned.

The railway entrepreneurs like Thomas Brassey and George Hudson probably built a more densely populated rail system than was absolutely essential. Yet investors kept piling and an astonishing infrastructure resulted. Britain not only built railways in Britain but in France and elsewhere. We exported rails to the USA and indeed worldwide. If we contrast the railway works at Crewe with that at Swindon we find the GWR using broad-gauge for speed with the Crewe focusing on economy.

Inextricably linked to the development of machinery were machine tools. We can go back to early nineteenth century London and find in Lambeth that factory of Maudslay Son and Field where many of the early machine tools were made. Henry Maudslay lived on the cusp between craft and mass production. He produced lathes and drills, machines for creating a perfectly flat surface and ones to bore out cylinders. He insisted on precision and was one of the first to make nuts and bolts that were interchangeable; before then a nut would fit only the bolt made for it. Maudslay attracted other engineers keen to learn at his feet. One such was Joseph Whitworth who created the international standard for screw threads now used in every workshop in the world. In time centres of machine tool expertise emerged around Manchester, Glasgow, Halifax, Birmingham and Coventry.

Machine tools of whatever kind were subjected to continuous improvement. As important was the fact that much of the improvement crossed national borders. A good deal started in Britain but then ideas were taken up and improved upon in the USA, France and Germany and indeed others among the growing number of industrialised nations.


Trains dramatically reduced travel times, but what if there was a quicker way to send a message?

Scientists on both sides of the Atlantic had long been experimenting with electricity, but in Britain it was Cooke and Wheatstone who demonstrated that a signal could be transmitted along a wire; some suggest before Morse. Soon telegraph wires extended beside railway lines cementing the connected country.

Electrical wires needed insulation which was provided by a rubber type substance from southeast Asia called Gutta Percha, the main producer of which would become BTR, the company that eventually bought Dunlop – that though is jumping ahead.

Britain wasn’t just a country, it was the heart of an empire extending across the globe. British ships sailed and steamed everywhere with iron and steel steadily taking the place of wood. The Empire could be drawn ever closer with telegraph and this is where Siemens stepped in. This was the British Siemens led by William, later Sir William, as opposed to the German company bearing the same name, run by his brother. The British Siemens Brothers made cable by the mile at their Woolwich factory, later part of AEI and then GEC. Soon the empire was linked.

Yet, telegraph was to be a splash in the ocean as far as the use of electricity was concerned. We come across a man named Ferranti working in the Siemens laboratory. From there he went on to power generation and, in his early twenties, a phenomenally ambitious scheme to provide electricity for London from a new power station at Deptford. It is important here again to mention America because Edison and Westinghouse with a much bigger market and greater resources would also grab a large share of the British market.

Telegraph was great if you could run cables, but what about ships? Just think of the commercial advantage if ships could be contacted en-route. Here another man of Italian birth steps in. Marconi created a business enabling ships to communicate with land stations using radio.

Time and again we might admit surprise at the names of those most influential in the story, for many were not ‘British’. The peoples of these islands welcomed and offered opportunity to men, for most were men, who had been born elsewhere. Perhaps it was our openness to the world more than anything that resulted in our place in the world of manufacturing.

Internal Combustion

The manufacturing ecosystem screamed for yet more power. I turn first to two Britons – James Young who found a flammable liquid seeping out of coal seams down in the mines, and Joseph Ruston top of my list manufacturing heroes.

Some of you may have come across a book titled One Hundred Years of Good Company which tells the story of Rustons, that great Lincoln engineer, with a little fictional narrative alongside the harder history. Well , this book tells the story of Joseph Ruston travelling to Russia to sell them steam pumps to drain the land ready to plant grain. Being an entrepreneur always with an eye to an opportunity, Ruston heard that a man nearby wanted to pump oil out of the ground and what better than a Rustons pump. That man’s mainstream business was trading in Shells – the rest as they say is history.

The Rustons book suggests that Ruston and Hornsby can lay claim to the first ‘diesel’ engine – indeed before diesel. These spread around the globe frequently for electricity generation as in lighthouses and the Statue of Liberty.

In any sane world British engineers would have developed the internal combustion engine to add power to carriages.  Instead the island was plagued by rich idiots recklessly driving steam powered vehicles on the roads. Government stepped in to limit speeds with the Red Flag. This gave the French and Germans time to take the lead in inventing the motor car. As is often the case the British did rather well following the footsteps of others. Harry Lawson bought the Daimler patents and created the first British motor factory in an old cotton mill in Coventry.

Others quickly followed.

The route to the motor car derives quite possibly from the sewing machine but perhaps as likely the clock. The sewing machine  evolved over a period with input again on both sides of the Atlantic, eventually taking shape under patents taken out by the America Isaac Singer.

A word about patents. It would be remiss not to acknowledge the role played by William Cecil, Queen Elizabeth I trusted advisor. He masterminded British patent law which provided protection to those who wished to exploit their inventions here. Many chose Britain in preference to their native land for this reason.

Some of those working with sewing machines used their new found knowledge to branch out into bicycles and here names like Humber, Hillman, Singer and Starley emerge. From bicycles came motor bikes and then motor cars. Much of this happened in Coventry, a city then known for its clock makers. The boom in bicycle attracted American tool makers which initially scooped the market. Not to be outdone Alfred Herbert the brother of one of the main cycle makers set up in machine tools. Interestingly Herbert championed the combination of factoring and manufacture; what mattered was getting the right machine. Herbert Austin the great car maker held similar views being happy to source his machine tools from anywhere in the world. This would have serious consequences for the UK industry.

For the motor car, alongside Lawson and Daimler, I might place Lanchester very much not an entrepreneur and definitely not a business administrator but a brilliant engineer who prided himself on building the entirety of his motor cars. He built the first vehicle that was not simply a horseless carriage. Harry Ricardo, who himself designed the engine for the early tank, said of the Lanchester car that he could vouch for their ‘quietness, lack of vibration and smooth ride.’

The name Harry Lawson brings in those of other entrepreneurs who sailed near to and sometimes over the line. Ernest Terah Hooley was one such described by the Economist as the Napoleon of finance.

Cars needed tyres and in steps John Dunlop with his tyre for bicycles. It wasn’t Dunlop though who drove the business from Ireland onto the world stage and motor cars. It was the du Cros family and Hooley; and much later Eric Geddes. It was Hooley who launched Dunlop as a public company, making millions as a result. He went on to build the Trafford Park industrial estate in Manchester.

Cars also needed lights and other electrical equipment and in steps Joseph Lucas, first with lights for bicycles but then for cars. But also engineers like Humber and Hillman, designers like Louis Coatalen.

Post WW1, Ruston tried their hand at motor cars. There were many others. Morris in Oxford who took the route of sourcing components rather than making everything himself. Austin who started out in Wolseley which later became part of Vickers. Rolls-Royce and WO Bentley of course.

If internal combustion engines could be used to power transport on land, why not ships and why not in the air; indeed why not on rail? Once again the British weren’t first but they prospered in the slip stream.

In relation to ships, the invention by Newcastle man CA Parsons of the steam turbine may have delayed the move by British shipbuilders to internal combustion. Steam turbine ships were very good.

Genius with steam also encouraged the British to stay with coal powered railway locomotives – after all, with the Flying Scotsman and the Mallard, it was a remarkable industry.

Clearly the same wasn’t true of aircraft and in the years before the First World War we began to see those much loved icons: de Havilland, Hadley Page, AV Roe, Sopwith and Hawker – more would follow.


Tragically and ironically, war played a huge part in the history of  manufacturing. Aside from the loss of young lives, for Britain the drain on the exchequer especially after the second world war placed great pressure on the governments that spurred the export drive in the wake of the second war.

Looking at technological advances,  the Crimea inspired William Armstrong to invent the rifled barrel for big guns, vastly improving their accuracy, and encouraging advances in metallurgy. Whitworth invented the hexagonal bullet for a rifle – supreme technology but one not embraced by the [powers that be. Interestingly in Germany Krupp also struggled to get his advances adopted. Armstrong would later join with Whitworth and then Vickers.

Advances in medicine are well known. War also inspired Donkin to develop the tin can for preserving food especially for the Navy. Napoleon could claim the credit since he had sponsored a competition to produce a means of storage of meat for his sailors. The competition was won by a glass container; Donkin’s metal one worked rather better in practice.

The Boer war developed the use of telegraph transforming the way infantry and cavalry worked together.

The First World War had a massive influence.

At the start, the War Office had specified Bosch magnetos. In stepped Peter Bennett of Thomson Bennett which were the only UK manufacturer of such parts. Lucas spotted an opportunity and bought the company, massively increasing its production. Almost as important, Bennett would go on to run Lucas in the interwar years with great success.

Inevitably expertise with explosives grew with people like Nobel, Abel and other chemists. A whole string of munitions factories were created. Heavy engineering flexed its muscles with companies like Vickers, John Brown, Cammell Laird and Beardmore. The young motor industry stepped up with large numbers of lorries, motor bikes and cars. Textile manufacturers churned out tons of uniforms. Tritton invented the Lincoln tank, made by manufacturers across the land. In truth under the inspiration of Lloyd George the whole national industry went to war. In Lincoln we can look not only a Tritton, but Claytons, Marshalls, Robey and Rustons. Inevitably machine tool makers were busy but sadly for Britain they failed to achieve sufficient capacity to meet the phenomenal demand and the shortfall was met by America.

Telegraph and telephone were used by the country mile but also radio especially for contact between the ground and aircraft overhead.


I found a toy tank in a National trust house we visited. But it has a strong message about toys which were barely visible in Britain in any quantity before the twentieth century. There may have been a horse tricycle from G&J Lines, but more likely a wooden toy bought from a street trader. After 1900, they may have had a Mechanics Made Easy set and accompanying instruction manual. Frank Hornby, a Liverpool office worker, had been making perforated metal strips for his sons. These could be connected by means of small bolts and nuts to make anything from model trains to bridges and cranes. The adoption of the name Meccano came in 1907. Harbutt’s Plasticine was first manufactured in 1900. For wealthier families, the main source of toys was Germany with manufacturers such as Steiffe for Teddy Bears and Marklin for tinplate. The British firm Bassett-Lowke designed and supplied clockwork trains, but often manufactured for them in Germany. The absence of German suppliers after the first war boosted British toy makers into world leadership between the wars.

The interwar years witnessed change on a grand scale.

At first there was a short post war boom but then old industries suffered as former customer nations found they could make it themselves – so textiles and shipping. Then the massive infrastructure of war production had  to be redeployed. Shipyard owners rationed themselves to share out the reduced volume of work. Thousands of skills workers were laid off. The consumption of whisky fell and producers such as the Distillers Company sought new uses for their plant – industrial alcohol made from molasses was one answer.

New industries prospered. ICI was created in 1926 and would fund research which would, within a decade lead to the invention of polythene and Perspex, using that industrial alcohol. Courtaulds took a licence for the production of rayon from vegetable material and soon transformed the dress of the British from cotton and wool – once again historic skills of spinning and weaving came in. The Celanese company of Derby took this further by using chemicals derived from cracking oil.

Elsewhere Lever Brothers were making more than soap, Burroughs Wellcome were developing medicines although Glaxo still focused on baby milk. English Electric and Associated Electrical Industries were both products of the interwar years.

Motor cars went from strength to strength as did radio, once businesses realised they could make money out of it. The BBC was formed by radio manufacturers in the 1923. To begin with the number of amateur licences far exceeded those who simply wanted to listen. A great many of the early radios were home made, but then we have names like Ekco and Pye. Gramophone recording kept pace with radio but television would follow later. There were British fingers in each of the pies.

In the mid-thirties, rearmament saved shipping, but also aircraft. Companies such as Avro, Supermarine, de Havilland, Vickers and Shorts were busy again.

Second World War

There is a case for saying that the Second World War lasted for ten years for British manufacturers. It produced an astonishing set of advances.

The mantle of machine tools had passed to Alfred Herbert of Coventry. The importance of machine tools in the war was underlined by Churchill describing them as ‘the ganglion nerve centre of the whole [of] supply’.

Motor manufacturers stepped up to the mark even more, producing everything from tanks, tin hats and ammunition to vehicles of all kinds – they made aircraft in the shadow factories built in the thirties in anticipation of war. Out of aircraft production came the jet, brain child of Frank Whittle which took to the air in the Meteor.

Radio manufacturers produced thousands of sets for all three services; they developed and manufactured radar and many other devices not least the Collosus computer that cracked the enigma code.

The potential of nuclear power was explored by ICI and others. Interestingly Frank Kierton, who went on to run Courtaulds, was part of the ICI team. Nylon, based on chemicals derived from oil, and penicillin, initially using a natural fermentation, were discovered. British Nylon Spinners, owned jointly by ICI and Courtaulds, exploited the American invention. Glaxo and Wellcome produced penicillin. It would not be long before penicillin was joined by pharmaceuticals also derived from oil. Aluminium, which had been produced in the UK since the late 19th c, had been used by the ton in aircraft manufacture and would go on to be used in London’s tube trains.

Post war export drive

Post war, there was no respite. Exports were needed in unimagined quantities to balance the nation’s books. It was tough on an exhausted population for rationing became over fiercer. For exports, plastics mushroomed as more oil was refined to meet demand. Polythene began to be seen in the home. Giant chemical works appeared.

The motor industry yet again came into its own. The problem was how to meet the pent up demand. The American market was hungry for Jaguars, Austin Healey and MG and the Sunbeam Talbot. This strong demand laid the foundations of troubles to come as demands for higher wages were accepted just to keep production moving. Coventry was a busy place. The steel works struggled to keep pace. Shipyards were rationing orders to cope with demand. Again storing up problems for the future. The absence of competition meant that technical advance was slow or non-existent. Old work practices were re-embraced. There were exceptions. A man named Bamford made his first excavator from a converted tractor. The Vickers Viscount and de Havilland Comet took to the air

The jet engine powered aircraft but also found spectacular use as gas turbines powering the new oil industry. I was privileged to meet Kelvin Bray, managing director of Ruston Gas Turbines for twenty five years and he told me how the team in Lincoln, working under Bob Fielden with a watchful eye from Whittle, developed the gas turbine with encouragement from Arnold Weinstock of Ruston’s then owner, GEC. Rustons gas turbines were used by 80% of the world’s oil industry

In Lincoln, there was also a timber fabrication company whose building was taken over by AEI and then GEC and became home to British semiconductor manufacture. Now, as Dynex, it is a leading manufacturer of complex power semiconductors. A former finance director suggested to me that had Weinstock been braver it could now be a mass producer of semiconductors.

The post war era saw Brush at the Falcon Works in Loughborough manufacture generators, transformers and railway locomotives. Brush later became part of Hawker Siddeley.

Rolls-Royce at Derby had powered so many aircraft with the iconic Merlin engine amongst others. Their motor cars transported royalty and as seen here Field Marshall Montogmery. The post war era saw wonderful motor cars but also Rolls-Royce jet engines and work on nuclear power for submarines.

The Festival of Britain

The Festival of Britain of 1951 may be seen as the starting point of what was a new era. It was all about design, new sources of power (nuclear and hydroelectric) but it also celebrated British railways, shipbuilding and aircraft.

The Festival was to be quite different from the Exhibition which unashamedly set out the stall of British manufacturing, The Festival sought to tell the story of the people of these islands through exhibitions throughout the land. There was a strong cultural offering and a show case on craft skills. Above all manufacturing was about great design

In Northern Ireland there was a focus on agriculture and linen production. The past seemed to be woven into the present. There was very little if anything on food manufacture, really because there was relatively little processing – Birds Eye frozen fish and peas, Batchelors soups and tinned vegetable, Fray Bentos corned beef and, of course, spam.

There was an exhibition ship and also exhibitions in large conurbations away from London

The review of products being made by British companies was important. Products were selected by what would become the design council for their good design in four categories: household, recreation, work and transport

So let’s visit the Festival Park on London’s Southbank with the benefit of hindsight.

In the background is the dome of discovery of which more later. Of relevance here are the materials used in its construction and that of the Skylon – the icon of the festival. Fibre glass and Aluminium. Although not new, these were the coming materials. Fibre glass soon to be part of the glass maker Pilkington in St Helens and aluminium produced in Scotland using hydroelectricity but also quite possibly from recycled WW2 aircraft. The absence of steel is significant. Every ounce that was being produced was needed to build ships and motor vehicles to sell in overseas markets

Another material in evidence was rubber, more specifically Dunlop rubber. Dunlop, with their majestic headquarters at Fort Dunlop in Birmingham were very much the doyen of post war British industry with their tyres on most cars and lorries.. Dunlop also provided floor covering, seating and much more at the Festival as we will see. It was the time of the great British companies. So I could add Lucas, British Motor Corporation , Unilever, Vickers, English Electric, Associated Electrical Industries, Courtaulds, ICI, Rolls-Royce and Jaguar. Interestingly a company not featured at the Festival which today is very much in evidence is JCB only created by Joseph Bamford in 1947

The Dome of Discovery, together with exhibitions at the science museum at South Kensington was all about the thrill of science. In 1951 we were talking of the discovery of genes, atomic energy and interestingly tortoises, mechanical objects with simple brains! These were the creation of Grey Walter and were attracted by light and repulsed by contact. Alan Turing was amused by them. We can perhaps trace from them to modern Robotics and much computing for which we do of course also look to Turing. One of the first was by the Manchester based Ferranti.

What else was being made?

We can look inside the power and production pavilion. A plethora of machinery, but I am sure I see a loom. This is important because it brings to the fore textiles where it was said that at one time Lancashire had clothed half the world. Looking through the festival literature it is clear that the expectation was that textiles would continue to be Britain’s industrial power house. What though was the reality?


The 1956 Clean Air Act provided the impetus needed to move the railways away from their dependence on coal. The fifties were a busy decade with motor factories churning out motor cars for export, shipyards building fine yet outmoded craft, aircraft factories exploring the potential of jet propulsion not least with the V Bombers. Christopher Cockerell devised the Hovercraft in 1953.

Radio manufacturers turned their hands to transistors and television. Plastics found their way into the home as did detergents. ICI boasted some of the largest chemical plants in the world.

Yet, Germany and Japan began to see the fruits of their rebuilt industries whilst in Britain companies made use of old buildings and plant; management had become complacent with the absence of competition from the major industrial nations. America was enjoying a post war boom, but was at war in Korea and was face to face with the USSR in what became known as the Cold War.

The Suez Crisis put markers down for Britain's loss of influence on the world stage but also for the vulnerability of oil supplies and the knock on reduction in the size of cars. The Morris Mini was Britain's answer in the final year of the decade.


Swinging London witnessed the Beatles and the miniskirt.

It was a time for change, for the white heat of technology. Government looked to harness the talent within our industries by building bigger companies able to compete on the world stage. GEC joined with English Electric and Associated Electrical Industries to become a company employing a quarter of a million people. It then dramatically slimmed with closures and redundancies.

Other initiatives produced the British computer giant ICL later bought by Fujitsu, yet more money was spent propping up shipyards. Machine tools were becoming computerised and were seen as key.

Former ICI chief chemist, Dr Richard Beeching, both modernised and cut the railway network. The QE2, built by John Brown, on the Clyde was launched.

Pilkington float glass transformed glass manufacture and this was visible in the concrete high-rise blocks which were replacing war damaged and ageing housing.

The ATM cash machine, a British invention, began to appear in our high streets.

The motor industry produced the Jaguar E-type, Triumph Spitfire, MGB and Lotus Elan. Paddy Hopkirk won the Monte Carlo rally in a Mini Copper S. James Bond burst onto cinema screens first in a Sunbeam Alpine and then the Aston Martin DB5. Yet, the Rootes Group sold out to the American Chrysler. BMC began to look unhealthy.

It worth pausing here. BMC was the combination of two competitors, in a way just as GEC combined with fierce rivals AEI and EE. Austin and Morris produced much loved cars. The Morris Minor designed by Isisgonis who also designed the Morris Mini and Austin Seven essentially the same car but in competition. When you add the Wolseley Hornet and Riley Elf you begin to see a mess. The combined company had a great many old factories and aging plant. Machine tool makers were failing to deliver the multi function machines needed. Sales didn’t talk to production and no one did any marketing.

There was another side to the coin. Lucas embraced fuel injection, being happy to bring better manufacturing skills to products licenced from competitors. Precious metal specialist Johnson Mathey produced the catalytic converter.

New aircraft, the Vanguard and VC10  failed to live up to the promise of the Vickers Viscount. The Labour government cancelled the TSR2 project option to buy from the USA

We began to buy transistor radios from Hong Kong who benefitted from Commonwealth preference. . Courtaulds became the biggest textile manufacturer in the world but faced a massive struggle from low wage producers.

Lines Brothers had the biggest toy factory but didn't embrace the marketing might of the American.

A currency crisis led to a devaluation of the pound. The steel industry was nationalised once more. Industrial unrest was felt throughout the economy.


Oil crises caused the wheels to fall off the British economy, as rampant inflation tore through. Nationalisation of ailing industries marked the mid-decade: shipbuilding and, by the formation of British Aerospace, aircraft manufacture. The entry into service of Concorde put a beautiful face on the struggling industry. Britain so nearly lost Rolls-Royce in 1971 as the development costs of the RB211 engine ran out of control. The aero-engine business became state owned with the separation of Rolls-Royce Motors.

Belatedly, the UK joined the EEC. A visit by the International Monetary Fund in 1976 shocked the nation.

Yet, Glaxo, Wellcome, Beecham and Boots each launched drugs that would transform their businesses.

The railways began a further transformation with the Intercity 125.

The coming on stream of North Sea Oil drove up the exchange rate although making life doubly tough for manufactured exports. Nevertheless, North Sea Gas found its way into most British homes for cooking and heating. Boiler manufacturers did well. By 1977 the North Sea was producing half a million barrels of oil a day, a third of the country’s needs and by 1980, Britain was self-sufficient in gas and oil.

Alfred Herbert, the heart of the nation's machine tools industry, was rescued in 1975 but finally collapsed in 1980; TI bought a good part of its assets. Now most machine tools come from Taiwan. A young company, Renishaw, took up the cudgels of British machine tool making with its revolutionary twin axis measuring device. It has since expanded into 3D printing


Acorn built the BBC Computer. But the cold wind of the free market swept through the eighties with a new Prime minister Margaret Thatcher.. The eighties saw a ravaged economy opened to the forces of the market, and, with privatisation, much manufacturing was lost.

British Rail Engineering was sold to the Canadian Bombardier. The shipyards were privatised but in the process shrunk with yet more job losses.

In the few brighter spots, Jaguar was floated. We welcomed Japanese motor manufacturers to build factories in the UK and also investment by Japanese television manufacturers; home grown television manufacture began to wilt.

The rump of the last British volume motor manufacturer, Austin Rover, was bought by the newly privatised British Aerospace; six years later they sold on to BMW who kept Mini - the remainder wilted on the vine.

The privatisation of British Telecom created a crisis for British telecoms manufacturers; GEC eventually bought Plessey but only with the involvement of the German Siemens.


Looking to the nineties, Rolls-Royce plc launched its best ever engine, the Trent, the origin of which can be traced back to the RB211. BAE Systems was formed by the merger of British Aerospace and Marconi Electronic Systems from the break-up of GEC Marconi.

The decade of the dotcom bubble had both winners (ARM) and losers (GEC Marconi) in the UK. Technology companies had become the must have investment. With ARM this made sense for they designed the operating software of mobile devices world-wide. For GEC, it meant that they overpaid for acquisitions, something that led to the break-up of this once great company.

Babcock International marked out its future by taking over naval dockyards at Rosyth and Devonport. Between Babcock and BAE Systems, we are major defence manufacturers

Government turned its attention to financial services as the nation’s saviour and began to ignore manufacturing. Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Jaguar and Land Rover were sold to foreign owners. Lucas fell into the hands of the US Varity in 1996 and Racal was bought by the French Thomson-CSF in 2000.

Yet, pharmaceutical companies (Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham) combined to achieve economies of scale and a place on the world scene.


Raspberry Pi launched its computer kits to encourage understanding of what had become commonplace devices. In the background though British companies were working more with universities in developing technologies for the future with new materials such as graphene.

The twenty-first century witnessed the growth of financial services made visible in London's Canary Wharf. This was followed by the financial crash of 2008 which starved businesses of finance.

There was a spate of disposals of building products companies: Redland sold to the French Lafarge and British Gypsum to the French St Gobain; Pilkington bought by Nippon Glass; and RMC sold to the Mexican CEMEX, Blue Circle to the Irish CHR-owned Tarmac and Hanson Cement to the German Heidelberg Group.

Jim Radcliffe continued the growth of Ineos by buying chemical plants largely from oil majors who wanted to focus on oil exploration and production.

Oneties and early twenties

The financial crash impacted the economy both immediately in the lack of available credit for industry but longer term in the fruits of austerity seen in the deterioration of the national infrastructure.

Brexit followed, forcing a massive change in business models with the loss of a huge 'home' market.

Covid shut everything down and left the UK with a depleted workforce from long term illness.

The war in Ukraine set energy prices rocketing and inflation returned.

Global warming and the imperative to move to net zero set major challenges throughout society. Traditional methods of steel production came under attack with the proposed alternative of electric furnaces. In the motor industry, manufacturers were encouraged to move to electric vehicles despite issues concerning battery manufacture, the lack of charging points and the inadequacy of the national grid. Lively debate continues of the merits of hydrogen as an alternative. Yet, JCB, which had manufactured machinery for building and civil engineering as well as farming, produced the first hydrogen powered digger.

Astra-Zeneca, which can trace its origin back to ICI, produced, with Oxford University, an effective Covid vaccine. GSK became one of the world's major pharmaceutical companies.

Companies come and go; some say that an optimum life is about twenty-five years, so around a third of the period under review. Great companies buck the trend, and there are a quite a few. I highlight Jaguar and JCB  but could add Rover, Glaxo and, in its current name and form, ICI as AstraZeneca.

What will your great company be and what will it make?

Further reading

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Who else shaped the Manufacturing World - The American System of Manufacturing

 Continuing my quest to discover who else shaped the manufacturing world, not unreasonably, I turn to America. 

An entry in the Oxford reference book is clear that America had a system of manufacturing that put it well ahead of other manufacturing nations. An academic article is more cautious looking at the American manufacturing system in the context of four products: guns, wooden timepieces, watches and axes. The system, in short, was to have interchangeable parts which could be machine made in bulk and then put together in the final product, the key being that all this could be done by unskilled workers. The article highlights one drawback that more time is needed for adjustment as interchangeable parts in practice don’t fit perfectly. Nonetheless, there it seems is the ‘system’.

The story of American manufacturing picks up from the accounts of the early settlements where the imperative was to secure food and shelter. Rebecca Fraser’s account of the Mayflower Generation focuses on the struggles with ill-health and the uninviting natural environment; relations with the native population were then not hostile. In time hostility grew as the native Indians took exception to the approach of some settlers. A third imperative was thus security.

As population increased and the infrastructure of society developed, American found itself as an exporter of agricultural produce not least tobacco, sugar and cotton. Imports were of slaves for the plantations but also manufactured goods. These goods would include weapons, agricultural tools, clothing and basic objects for the home.

The war of independence drew a line in the sand as the newly free nation weened itself off dependence on the old colonial power. This didn’t happen overnight and indeed had probably started before independence as Americans would invite in particular textile and arms manufacturers to help them set up their own facilities. As would be the case so often in the way Britain shaped the manufacturing world, the young countries would create new factories with new machinery and so not be incumbered with earlier processes or machines.

This opportunity to start with a clean sheet of paper surely contributed the what became known as the American System of Manufacturing where identical parts would be produced using machines instead of the then traditional more labour intensive and skilled manual process. Another driver of this was the need to move a workforce from agriculture to manufacturing without the time consuming learning of manual skills. The nature of the American republic is important. Where we talk of agricultural workers, we often mean small holders; men and women who had fought their way into self-sufficiency. There would therefore not be many prepared to give that up for the sake of a job in a factory. Equally in the agrarian society there were not skilled mechanics.

One name stands out in addressing this challenge and that was Eli Whitney whose career began in the southern states where he invented the cotton gin to improve the processing of raw cotton. He then moved north and set up in gun making. In order to meet the volumes needed, tasks needed to be undertaken by machines operated by unskilled labour.

Inventions alone were not enough, the creation of the American arms and textile industries was enabled by government purchasing for the needs of the army and so creating a level of demand that justified mechanisation. The position of US Ordnance is interesting. There were two main arsenals in Springfield, Massachusetts, and in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. In time these were supplemented by private manufacturers, principally Winchester Repeating Arms Company and Colt’s Patent Firearms Manufacturing both of which became successful leaders.

The evidence is that by 1851 the American system of manufacture was a known quantity as there is the story of Colt visiting the Great Exhibition and meeting a steam engine manufacturer, Richard Garrett, who was so impressed by Colt’s manufacturing methods that he built the first British factory geared to mass production, the Long Shop.

I can fast forward to the Second World War when Ford tried to make Rolls-Royce Merlin engines. These were handmade, but Ford needed to mass produce. Ford and Rolls-Royce engineers broke down the engine into parts and then into the engineering steps required to make those parts. These steps would be carried out on machines by largely unskilled workers many of whom were women new to the workplace.

Going back to the nineteenth century, America was becoming self-sufficient in manufacturing with one major exception. America, whilst rich in raw material, had only a very small capacity to produce iron and none really for steel, and it was steel that was needed not least for the massive project of connecting American by rail. This meant that not only England, but Germany and Belgium exported steel rails, tyres and other railway equipment including locomotives and rolling stock. I have written in HBSTMW how this export trade boosted British steel making and this was also the case with the German Krupp which I write about in a separate post. The story of the American steel industry is thus another strand which I will cover.

The image is of my mother and father together with the president of Chrysler at their WW2 tank factory which surely epitomised the American System of Manufacturing. You can read more of this by following this link.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Overseas exhibitors at the Great Exhibition

 Continuing my attempt to address the question of who else shaped the manufacturing world, I draw on a series of papers given to the Society of Arts in 1852 reflecting upon the Great Exhibition. One such had as its focus machines for working in metal and wood.

The author looks first at what I suspect was a bug bear, the gulf between scientific and practical men and the huge distrust each group had for the other. He then moves to machinery and looks first at early examples before focusing on clock making where he suggests some of the first machines were to be found.

In terms of shaping the manufacturing world, he sees a process of one idea leading on to the next, but, importantly, without national borders. So the British may come up with a new machine, for example for gear cutting, but then the French perhaps would improve on it. He explores wood working machines and again sees the interplay between artisans of different countries.

In relation to America he refers to all manner of contrivance used in workshops including first a foot-mortising machine for wood patented in 1827 by John McClintic of Pennsylvania. He then traces the machine to Liverpool and a patent for improvements granted in 1851. The point he makes is that invention is difficult, but is made much easier the more brains that are brought to bear on the problem. Collaboration is key and in this the Exhibition could offer a meeting place where inventors from different countries could see the fruits of each other’s labour.

Another paper had its focus on philosophical instruments, which was part of the section for which my great grandfather was responsible. The image, with kind permission of Weiss & Son for the post is a knife in the shape of a cross with 1851 blades made by Weiss for the exhibition.

The author lists some of the inventions that had by 1851 become almost commonplace: steam engines, the telegraph, photography and electromagnetism.  He then notes that in relation to agriculture each of chemistry, mechanics and astronomy have made their contribution. Once again he picks up the value of the interchange of ideas between countries.

The benefit of sharing ideas is brought into sharp relief in an encounter with a would be exhibitor who had spent years developing a particular machine only to be told that a number of similar machines had already accepted. He then offers a summary of the categories of instrument before looking in detail at astronomical instruments. He makes the point that would be exhibitors from overseas may have been put off by the risk of damage to their instrument in the course of travel to the exhibition. He then highlights two exceptions from Germany who instruments he praises highly.

Electromagnetism is his next focus beginning with Volta’s discovery in 1800 of voltaic electricity and then Oersted’s work in 1820 on the interaction of electricity and magnetism, from which the electric motor was conceived. We could add to this list of inventors, the English scientist Michael Faraday. The paper’s author instead takes his audience to the United States and a galvanic meter which enabled the measuring of longitude and then an electromagnetic clock.

Levelling and surveying instruments were exhibited by England, France and Belgium. Optical instruments ranged from microscopes to lighthouses. Thermometers were exhibited by the English Negretti and Zambra and the French Fastre. Photography originated in France and at the Exhibition was represented by Germany, Austria and England. Balances attracted a broader following with exhibits from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium , Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and the USA. Calculating machines bring in the name Babbage, but not as an exhibitor. The best instrument was Russian made by Staffel. The exhibition was ‘rich with electric telegraphs’, with the British Electric Telegraph Company’s instruments taking pride of place. Prussia exhibited through Siemens and Halske. Cooke and Wheatstone are praised for keeping the UK ahead in telegraph technology. He concludes his talk by lamenting the lack of reward for British scientists, despite which they labour on.

The presentation on large steam engines begins with a lament on the limitations of the exhibition space which restricted the size of machine which could be exhibited. The well known British names are mentioned first but then a Belgian, French and Dutch, the latter particularly for land drainage. Fire engines were exhibited by France and Canada as well as the UK. Railway locomotives were dominated by the famous British makers. There were then manufacturing machines with Oldham’s Hibbert & Platt textile machinery. France, Belgium and the USA exhibited machines for working with cotton. There is a note that a future exhibition was planned for India. Wool machinery came from Yorkshire but also from France which produced the medal winning Mercier and Company. The most frequently mentioned name was Jacquard and this apparatus was shown as attached to a number of weaving machines. The other French invention of the circular knitting machine for the making of stockings was highlighted as only then recently taking the place of frame-knitting and so saving many hours of work. The section ends with printing machines and a further mention of Applegarth’s advanced machine previously highlighted in Ward’s account of the exhibition.

Monday, December 18, 2023

My talk to the Leicester Historical Association on How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing world

I want this evening to talk about my quest to discover How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World.
My quest began in April 2014. I brought down from the loft two big box containing scrapbooks which my mum had compiled of my dad’s war. I had always known that they existed but small boys have little interest in scrap books. This time though I turned the pages and found myself speechless. My dad had headed up supply of army vehicles and weapons in WW2 and my mum had been his PA. The albums told an incredible story – the number of vehicles used by the army grew from 40,000 to 1.5 million. I researched and discovered that just about every British motor company had made not only vehicles but anything from tin hats to ammunition. It was a War on Wheels and that was the name of my first book published in 2016. 

This evening, instead of a power point, I thought I would use some of the books I drew on to illustrate the talk. This one is brazen publicity as is the next. I promise not all! After the talk I will post both the text and the bibliography on my blog
But back to the quest. I had caught the bug: what had happened in the first world war? Just about every British engineering company put its shoulder to the war effort. That book was called Ordnance

Where had the companies come from and where did they go to?
To try to answer the first question I worked back and got to 1851 and the Great Exhibition in London’s Hyde Park. This as I’m sure you know was an adventurous idea by Prince Albert and Sir Henry Cole aided by others.  The organising committee included such grandees as William Cubitt the builder, Joseph Paxton who designed the massive crystal palace for the exhibition, Robert Stephenson the railway engineer and Charles Wentworth Dilke – editor of the Times. It was to be a ‘Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. A great people inviting all civilised nations to a festival to bring into comparison the works of human skill.’
There were 100,000 exhibits from 14,000 individuals and companies from the United Kingdom and overseas, with some 60% from the home nations. The Crystal Palace covered some 900,000 square feet and welcomed six million visitors over that summer of 1851.
My great grandfather, Richard Williams, was manager of surgical instrument makers Weiss & Son at 62, The Strand just over the road from where he had been born half a century earlier. Richard had been secretary of the group of instrument makers responsible for their part of the exhibition. 
I found a copy of the full exhibition catalogue online and it read like a list of old friends – the names of companies known but some long forgotten. Ransome farm machinery, Gillow furniture, Savory and Moore medicines, Maudsely and Napier engineers, Butterley steel which incidentally had an underground wharf on the Cromford canal. Naysmith of the steam hammer fame. Elliott & Sons instruments. William Hollins who would later produce Viyella  and Samuel Courtauld.
I had to find where they had come from and where they went. Some of the names took me back to the start.
The rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate . This was perhaps Britain in the late seventeenth century. Land owners were rich and the rest weren’t. I suggest that this conservative scene may have continued uninterrupted had it not been for the sea. The British couldn’t resist the temptation of taking to boats to see what was beyond the horizon. Having reached land, being British, the instinct then was to trade. It worked wonderfully, the wealthy landowners could use some of their wealth to buy the beautiful things that adventurers brought home. It wasn’t only beautiful things, it was exotic tastes like tea and sugar. It transformed the lives of the wealthy; the adventurers didn’t do too badly either; wealth began to leak into a small but growing part of the population: the merchant class; the nation of shopkeepers so derided by Napoleon.
The demand for shipping grew. Some forty years of research have been brought together in Anthony Slaven’s British Shipbuilding 1500-2010; 

Ship building, like wool, is fundamental to our island story. Slaven suggests that, all around our shores, there were many carpenters who turned their hand to the building of small boats. Their use was restricted to coastal waters, and, perhaps, as far as the Low Countries, France and possibly Portugal and the Mediterranean. Trade with the Far East was conducted overland, as evidenced by the Silk Road. The late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries saw the ‘great voyages of discovery’, and much longer voyages to the spice islands, Africa and China. This is subject explored extensively elsewhere and so I didn’t dwell on it in my book. 

With all this shipbuilding forests were being denuded at an alarming rate. Forests which were also a store of energy for heating and cooking as well as smelting ore to find metal from which all manner of device could be made. If wood or charcoal could no longer be used, what was the alternative.
Those canny Brits living in the north east already knew the answer, for they had been collecting seacoal, as opposed to charcoal, from beaches for centuries. What’s more, they found that if you scraped the surface you could find more seacoal underneath. It was filthy and gave off noxious fumes but it provided heat when heat was needed.
None of this story is strictly linear, but some things did follow as a consequence of others. 
Beautiful cloth was imported from India and this made sense because cotton grew there and they had been making it into wonderful garments for centuries. British textile merchants, who had for centuries run their supply chain of wool and flax spinners and weavers, recognised an opportunity. Why not let Lancashire spinners and weavers make the cloth from imported cotton? 
It was an opportunity not to be missed until Napoleon came along
British merchants had developed a nice little continental market for their cotton cloth. The Napoleonic wars scuppered that and prices collapsed. Somehow costs had to be reduced. There wasn’t enough scope in paying yet less to the weavers and spinners – who were becoming desperate

Something else was needed: mechanisation. 
The British had always been finding better ways of doing things. John Kay with his flying shuttle; James Hargreaves with the spinning jenny, Samuel Crompton’s mule and Richard Arkwrights mechanised factory. 

These machines demanded metal for their construction. 
Elsewhere in the forest, as they say, iron masters were finding better ways to produce metal and better metals in the form of brass and steel. All this demanded more coal and more coal demanded deeper mines. Deeper mines brought twin problems of flooding with water and foul air. Metal provided the solution in the hands of men like Newcomen, Blenkinsop and Hackworth, first with the atmospheric engine to pump the water to the surface. Ever ingenious, this water was then used to power waterwheels which, in turn, could power a lift to bring the hard won coal to the surface and onwards to the canal and the final customer. 
But back to the mill. All this mechanisation in textile manufacture was fine so long as you were near a fast flowing  river and could harness its power to drive waterwheels to work machines. What was needed was rotational power that did not need a fast flowing river and this brings us to Birmingham.
This is and was  a remarkable place. In the seventeenth and eighteen century it was a town of workshops. Accounts from the time tell of innumerable chimneys puffing out smoke as all manner of metal was worked into tools, weapons and toys – those items of delight that so thrilled the monied classes. The very special thing about Birmingham was that each workshop carried out a single process, with the item passed on to the neighbour for the next process and so on. It was classical division of labour, a production line, if you like. The other special thing about Birmingham was a man named Watt in partnership with Boulton. Watt did of course crack the problem of rotational motion powered by steam. 
Now there was no stopping this people.
Rotational motion powered by steam worked a dream in cotton mills, and the percentage of cotton clothing worn by the British and Europeans increased dramatically. 
It was itself a revolution but one not without its dark side as the cotton was grown by slaves and the working conditions in the mills and mines for men, women and children were appalling. This has been explored extensively elsewhere and although fundamental to the industrial revolution and indeed our history, I won’t talk more about it this evening. 
It is interesting to try to identify just what it was that drove the massive increase in cotton consumption. One school of thought puts it down to domestic demand; people wanted clothing they could wash. Or was it the export markets? I suspect a bit of both. But back to steam.
We had the factories, could steam also help the transport problem? Roads were dangerous and often potholed, Canals were great, but slow. In step  Trevithic, Stephenson and Isembard Kingdom Brunel and the railways beckoned.
The railway entrepreneurs like Thomas Brassey and George Hudson built a more densely populated rail system than was absolutely essential. Yet investors kept piling and an astonishing infrastructure resulted. Britain not only built railways in Britain but in France and elsewhere. We exported rails to the USA and indeed worldwide

Trains dramatically reduced travel times, but what if there was a quicker way to send a message?
Scientists on both sides of the Atlantic had long been experimenting with electricity, but in Britain it was Cooke and Wheatstone who demonstrated that a signal could be transmitted along a wire; some suggest before Morse. Soon telegraph wires extended beside railway lines cementing the connected country. 
Electrical wires needed insulation which was provided by a rubber type substance from southeast Asia called Gutta Percha, the main producer of which would become BTR, the company that bought Dunlop – that though is jumping ahead.
Britain wasn’t just a country, it was the heart of an empire extending across the globe. British ships sailed and steamed everywhere with iron and steel steadily taking the place of wood for ship construction. The Empire could be drawn ever closer with telegraph and this is where Siemens stepped in. This was the British Siemens led by William, later Sir William, as opposed to the German company bearing the same name, run by his brother. The British Siemens Brothers made cable by the mile at their Woolwich factory, later part of AEI and then GEC. Soon the empire was linked.
Yet, telegraph was to be a splash in the ocean as far as the use of electricity was concerned. We come across a man named Ferranti working in the Siemens laboratory. From there he went on to power generation and, in his early twenties, a phenomenally ambitious scheme to provide electricity for London from a new power station at Deptford.

Telegraph was great if you could run cables, but what about ships? Just think of the commercial advantage if ships could be contacted en-route. Here another man of Italian birth steps in. Marconi created a business enabling ships to communicate with land stations using radio. 
Time and again we might admit surprise at the names of those most influential in the story, for many were not ‘British’. The peoples of these islands welcomed and offered opportunity to men, for most were then men, who had been born elsewhere. Perhaps it was our openness to the world more than anything that resulted in our place in the world of manufacturing.
The manufacturing ecosystem screamed for yet more power. I turn first to two Britons – James Young who found a flammable liquid seeping out of coal seams down in the mines, and Joseph Ruston top of my list manufacturing heroes. 
Joseph Ruston was one of the founders of the Lincoln firm, Ruston and Hornsby. He was the complete businessman: innovative, a great salesman and financially astute. There is a delightful book One Hundred Years of Good company which tells the story of Rustons with a little fictional narrative alongside the harder history.
Well , this book tells a story of Ruston travelling to Russia to sell them steam pumps to drain the land ready to plant grain. Being an entrepreneur always with an eye to an opportunity, Ruston heard that a man nearby wanted to pump oil out of the ground and what better than a Rustons pump. That man’s mainstream business was trading in shells – it did of course become the massive Shell Oil Company.
The Rustons book suggests that Ruston and Hornsby can lay claim to the first ‘diesel’ engine – indeed before diesel. These spread around the globe frequently for electricity generation as in lighthouses and indeed the statue of liberty.
In any sane world British engineers would have developed the internal combustion engine to add power to carriages.  Instead the island was plagued by rich idiots recklessly driving steam powered vehicles on the roads. Government stepped in to limit speeds with the Red Flag. This gave the French and Germans time to take the lead in inventing the motor car. As is often the case the British did rather well following the footsteps of others. Harry Lawson bought the Daimler patents and created the first British motor factory in an old cotton mill in Coventry. 

Others quickly followed. 
The route to the motor car derives quite possibly from the sewing machine. This piece of apparatus evolved over a period with input again on both sides of the Atlantic, eventually taking shape under patents taken out by the America Singer. 
A word about patents. It would be remiss not to acknowledge the role played by William Cecil, Queen Elizabeth I trusted advisor. He masterminded British patent law which provided protection to those who wished to exploit their inventions here. Many chose Britain in preference to their native land for this reason.
Those working with sewing machines used their new found knowledge to branch out into bicycles and here names like Humber, Hillman Singer and Starley emerge. From bicycles came motor bikes and then motor cars.
For the motor car, alongside Lawson and Daimler, I might place Lanchester very much not an entrepreneur and definitely not a business administrator but a brilliant engineer. He built the first vehicle that was not simply a horseless carriage. Harry Ricardo, who himself designed the engine for the tank, said of the Lanchester that he could vouch for their ‘quietness, lack of vibration and smooth ride.’
The name Harry Lawson brings in those of other entrepreneurs who sailed near to and sometimes over the line. Ernest Terah Hooley was one such described by the Economist as the Napoleon of finance. 
Cars needed tyres and in steps John Dunlop with his tyre for bicycles. It wasn’t Dunlop though who drove the business from Ireland onto the world stage and motor cars. It was the du Cros family and Hooley; and much later Eric Geddes. It was Hooley who launched Dunlop as a public company, making millions as a result. He went on to build the Trafford Park industrial estate in Manchester.
Cars also needed lights and other electrical equipment and in steps Joseph Lucas, first with lights for bicycles but then for cars

But also engineers like Humber and Hillman, designers like Louis Coatalen.
There were many others. Morris in Oxford. Austin who started out in Wolseley making sheep shearing equipment. Wolseley later became part of Vickers of which more later. There were also Rolls-Royce and WO Bentley of course. 
If internal combustion engines could be used to power transport on land, why not ships and why not in the air; indeed why not on rail? Once again the British weren’t first but they prospered in the slip stream.
In relation to ships, the invention by Newcastle man CA Parsons of the steam turbine may have delayed the move by British shipbuilders to internal combustion. Steam turbine ships were very good.
Genius with steam also encouraged the British to stay with coal powered railway locomotives – after all with the Flying Scotsman and the Mallard, it was a remarkable industry.
Clearly the same wasn’t true of aircraft and in the years before the First World War we began to see those much loved icons: de Havilland, Hadley Page, AV Roe, Sopwith and Hawker.
Tragically and ironically, war played a huge part in the history of British manufacturing. Aside from the loss of young lives, the drain on the exchequer especially after the second world war placed great pressure on the governments that spurred the export drive in its wake. 
Looking at war driven technological advances, the Crimean war inspired William Armstrong to invent the rifled barrel for big guns, vastly improving their accuracy, and encouraging advances in metallurgy. Armstrong would join with Whitworth and then Vickers. 
Advances in medicine are well known. War also inspired Donkin to develop the tin can for preserving food especially for the Navy. Napoleon could claim the initial credit since he had sponsored a competition to produce a means of storage of meat for his sailors. The competition was won by a glass container; Donkin’s metal one worked rather better in practice.
The Boer war developed the use of telegraph transforming the way infantry and cavalry worked together.
The First World War had a massive influence. At the start, the War Office had specified Bosch magnetos for all war office vehicles. In stepped Peter Bennett of Thomson Bennett which were the only UK manufacturer of such parts. Lucas spotted an opportunity and bought the company, massively increasing its production. Almost as important, Bennett would go on to run Lucas in the interwar years with great success. 
Inevitably expertise with explosives grew with people like Nobel and Abel. A whole string of munitions factories were created. Heavy engineering flexed its muscles with companies like Vickers, John Brown, Cammell Laird and Beardmore. The young motor industry stepped up with large numbers of lorries, motor bikes and cars. Textile manufacturers churned out tons of uniforms. 
Lincoln’s William Tritton invented the tank, made by manufacturers across the land. In truth under the inspiration of Lloyd George the whole national industry went to war. 
I spotted a toy tank in a national trust house we visited a couple of years ago. It has a strong message about toys which were barely visible in any quantity before the twentieth century. There may have been a horse tricycle from G&J Lines, but more likely a wooden toy bought from a street trader. After 1900, they may have had a Mechanics Made Easy set and accompanying instruction manual. Frank Hornby, a Liverpool office worker, had been making perforated metal strips for his sons. These could be connected by means of small bolts and nuts to make anything from model trains to bridges and cranes. The adoption of the name Meccano came in 1907. 

Harbutt’s Plasticine was first manufactured in 1900. For wealthier families, the main source of toys was Germany with manufacturers such as Steiffe for Teddy Bears and Marklin for tinplate. The British firm Bassett-Lowke designed and supplied clockwork trains, but often had them manufactured in Germany. Between the wars, the absence of German suppliers boosted British toy makers into world leadership
Telegraph and telephone were used by the country mile but also radio especially for contact between the ground and aircraft overhead. 
The interwar years witnessed change on a grand scale.
At first there was a short post war boom but then old industries suffered as former customer nations found they could make it themselves – so textiles and shipping. Then the massive infrastructure of war production had  to be redeployed. Shipyard owners rationed themselves to share out the reduced volume of work. Thousands of skills workers were laid off. The consumption of whisky fell and producers such as the Distillers Company sought new uses for their plant – industrial alcohol made from molasses was one answer.
New industries prospered. The chemicals giant ICI was created in 1926 and would fund research which would, within a decade, lead to the invention of polythene and Perspex, using that industrial alcohol. Courtaulds took a licence for the production of rayon from vegetable material and soon transformed the dress of the British from cotton and wool to rayon – once again historic skills of spinning and weaving came in. The Celanese company of Derby took this further by using chemicals derived from cracking oil. 

I don’t know whether magnificent head offices were a hint of something to come.
Elsewhere Lever Brothers were making more than soap, Burroughs Welcome were developing medicines although Glaxo still focused on baby milk – how it would change!

English Electric and Associated Electrical Industries were both products of the interwar years. It is interesting though that these giant electric companies owe their childhood years to America.
Motor cars went from strength to strength
 Radio thrived, once businesses realised they could make money out of it. The BBC was formed by radio manufacturers in the 1923. To begin with the number of amateur licences far exceeded those who simply wanted to listen. A great many of the early radios were home made, but then we have names like Ekco and Pye. Gramophone recording kept pace with radio but television would follow later. There were British fingers in each of the pies.

In the mid-thirties, rearmament saved shipping, but also aircraft. Companies such as Avro, Supermarine, de Havilland, Vickers and Shorts were busy again.
There is a case for saying that the Second World War lasted for ten years for British manufacturers. It produced an astonishing set of advances. 
Motor manufacturers stepped up to the mark even more, producing everything from tanks, tin hats and ammunition to vehicles of all kinds – they made aircraft in the shadow factories built in the thirties in anticipation of war. Out of aircraft production came the jet, brain child of Frank Whittle which took to the air in the Meteor.
Radio manufacturers produced thousands of sets for all three services; they developed and manufactured radar and many other devices not least the Collosus computer that cracked the enigma code.

The potential of nuclear power was explored by ICI and others. Interestingly Frank Kierton, who went on to run Courtaulds, was part of the ICI team. Nylon, based on chemicals derived from oil was invented. British Nylon Spinners, owned jointly by ICI and Courtaulds, exploited the American invention. Glaxo and Wellcome produced penicillin initially using a natural fermentation. It would not be long before penicillin was joined by pharmaceuticals also derived from oil. 
Aluminium, which had been produced in the UK since the late 19th c, had been used by the ton in aircraft manufacture and would go on to be used in London’s tube trains.
Post war, there was no respite. Exports were needed in unimagined quantities to balance the nation’s books. It was tough on an exhausted population for rationing became ever fiercer. For exports, plastics mushroomed as more oil was refined to meet demand. Polythene began to be seen in the home. Giant chemical works appeared. What might be termed the gluttony of hydrocarbons got under way.
The motor industry yet again came into its own. The problem was how to meet the pent up demand. The American market was hungry for Jaguars, Austin Healey and MG and the Sunbeam Talbot. This strong demand laid the foundations of troubles to come as demands for higher wages were accepted just to keep production moving. Coventry was a busy place. Steel works struggled to keep pace. Shipyards were rationing orders to cope with demand. Again storing up problems for the future. The absence of competition meant that technical advance was slow or not existent. Old work practices were re-embraced. 
A man named Bamford made his first excavator from a converted tractor. 

The Vickers Viscount and de Havilland Comet took to the air
The jet engine powering  aircraft also found spectacular use as gas turbines powering the new oil industry. I was privileged to meet Kelvin Bray, managing director of Ruston Gas Turbines for twenty five years and he told me how the team in Lincoln, working under a watchful eye from Frank Whittle, developed the gas turbine with encouragement from Arnold Weinstock of Ruston’s then owner, GEC.
Rustons gas turbines were used by 80% of the world’s oil industry
The post war era saw Brush at the Falcon Works in Loughborough manufacture generators, transformers and railway locomotives. Brush later became part of Hawker Siddeley.
Rolls-Royce at Derby had powered so many aircraft with the iconic Merlin engine amongst others. Their motor cars transported royalty. The post war era saw wonderful motor cars but also Rolls-Royce jet engines and work on nuclear power for submarines.

This part of my story ends with the Festival of Britain, an occasion of great hope for the future. For my book it forms a bookend to mirror that of the Great Exhibition. 
The Festival itself was to be unlike the Great Exhibition; in the words of the Festival director:
We were going to tell a story not industry by industry, still less firm by firm, but the consecutive story of the British people in the land they live in. Each type of manufacture and each individual exhibit would occur in the setting appropriate to that part of the story in which it naturally fell e.g. steel knives and sinks in the home part of the story, steel machines in the industry part of the story, steel chassis in transport, and so on.
Exhibits were chosen as products of good design, functional efficiency and manufacture. We had moved on to a world of design and people like Robin Day with his iconic plastic chairs.
I found surprising the emphasis given to the manufacture of textiles. Perhaps I shouldn’t have, given the importance of textiles to the whole industrialisation process. In 1914 it was said that Britain produced enough cloth to clothe half the world’s population.  In 1951, the future of textiles was considered strong – they were to lead the export drive. How things have changed. 
There was an emphasis on new materials: aluminium, fibreglass and all manner of rubber highlighted by Dunlop. There was a focus on what we now call green energy: nuclear and hydroelectric.
A Design Review was compiled of some 24,000 products chosen for good design, functional efficiency and manufacture. It was to be a showcase for the nation. It also provides the spring board for my current book, Vehicles to Vaccines, which explores what happened next. Contrary to popular opinion it is not all doom and gloom, British manufacturing, although employing many fewer people, may well be approaching another golden era.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Talk to Leicester branch of the Historical Association

 Delighted to have been invited to do a virtual talk about How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World. 

I have dispensed with PowerPoint and will talk with reference to my secondary sources - the book was written in lockdown, although I did have some earlier research of primary sources. 

I plan to post the text of my talk and a list of the books after the talk 

Manufacturing places - the art of re-invention

My exploration of British manufacturing has been sector by sector and chronological. I am now beginning to join up the dots and explore thos...