My books on manufacturing

My books on manufacturing
My books on manufacturing history

Monday, November 27, 2023

Inward Investment

 Nissan’s announcement of a £2 billion investment in their Sunderland plant is the latest note of affirmation of the quality of their British workforce and supply chain. 

The image is of a model of one of the early ones, Hoover with their iconic building on London’s Western Avenue. The model is at Bekonscot. model village at Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire. 

There are a great many other examples including machine tool maker Mazak EU in Worcester. 

I write much more in my forthcoming book Vehicles to Vaccines

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Vehicles to Vaccines - a working draft

 This week I have been editing the draft of my next book Vehicles to Vaccines exploring the #ukmfg story from 1951. I have also received a draft contract from a publisher. So onward I go!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

20,000 blog visits

Thank you everyone for visiting this blog. 

Coming up will be some more winners and losers since 1951. I also plan to explore the early manufacturing of other nations through the catalogue of the Great Exhibition of 1851.

It can’t all be work. 

Manufacturing places - the art of re-invention

My exploration of British manufacturing has been sector by sector and chronological. I am now beginning to join up the dots and explore thos...