My books on manufacturing

My books on manufacturing
My books on manufacturing history

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Leeds manufacturing history

Leeds was a centre of wool manufacturing with most processes being outworked and the finishing and dying in the city. The skills in wool spread to flax which, whilst important, never overtook the significance of wool.

The availability of water and labour combined with the crucial availability of cheap coal made Leeds the perfect wool city. Coal was used to boil water for dying and increasingly to power machinery in spinning and weaving. However, the take-up of steam power wasn’t rapid because of uncertainty of demand particularly during the Napoleonic wars.

As with all manufacturing, good communications were key. The Aire and Calder canal provided the link to the east coast and the Leeds and Liverpool through to the west. Railways did of course follow.

With the growth in textiles, an associated engineering industry grew with machinery for spinning and weaving both wool and flax. In time the engineering skills were turned to other uses from railway locomotives to nails. It was said that Leeds was second only to the Black Country in metal working.

The mid nineteenth century saw the move away from Leeds of the making of worsted cloth to Bradford. Its place was taken by clothing factories taking advantage of the American invention of the sewing machine. John Barran was one such clothing manufacturer followed by Montague Burton and Joseph Hepworth. At one time Burton had 20,000 employees in its Leeds factories.

With the growing population, shoe manufacture grew with companies such as Stead & Simpson which would later move to Leicester.

The engineering sector continued to serve its textile brothers but also built hydraulic equipment, heavy presses and a large variety of manufacturing from wrought iron and steel.

Leeds businessmen had fingers in many pies. Richard Paley had interests in iron-founding, potash manufacture, cotton spinning and soap boiling. Cotton was perhaps a brave experiment and soon gave way to wool. Joshua Bower was involved in glass manufacturing, glue boiling and coal mining. Tetley, the brewer, also had interests in coal mining.

Looking at some of the companies more closely:

The late nineteenth century saw the emergence of a printing company run by John Waddington with a specialty of theatrical posters. It didn’t prosper until, using its skills in lithographic colour printing, it began making playing cards. These proved very popular not least in the marketing operations of many companies. From playing cards, it wasn’t a big leap to jigsaws and board games. An alliance with the American Parker company brought Monopoly; other games followed. The basic business was printing and so printed packaging was an obvious extension. Waddington was bought by the American Hasbro in 1994.

Joseph Watson, or Soapy Joe’s as it was known, made soap and became part of Lever Brothers when they bought Crosfield and Gossage. Unilever are still present in Leeds with their largest deodorant factory.

Charles Thackray is of particular interest to me since, as surgical instrument makers, they were in the same business as my great grandfather. They began as a chemist and for many years supplied pharmaceuticals, in the early days, of a fairly basic nature. Relationships with doctors led to the sourcing of equipment for them and in time the manufacture of that equipment at the company’s own factory in Leeds. It was very much a craft with skilled engineers working with their customers to develop the precise equipment they needed. A crucial relationship was with the leading hip replacement surgeon where both operating instruments and the artificial hips themselves were produced. In time computer aided machining was introduced to great effect. Thackray ended up having 18% of the world market for replacement hips. The problem was that increased mechanisation and fierce competition meant that a comparatively small independent company couldn’t survive and so in 1990 it was sold to a larger American competitor.

I wrote of the Royal Ordnance Factories and their role in the Second World War in How Britain Shaped The Manufacturing World. One such was based in Leeds, later bought by Vickers plc, and I wrote in Vehicles to Vaccines how the Challenger tank was made there. The broad manufacturing base continued and a shining exception is Wilson Power Solutions which is a family company now into its third generation supplying transformers for renewable and other industrial projects. Siemens Energy and Siemens Rail Systems are located near Leeds. Leeds is ranked third by size of UK manufacturing regions.

Further reading

A History of Modern Leeds, Derek Fraser ed., E.J.Connell and M. Ward, Industrial Development 1780-1914

John Chartres and Katrina Honeyman, Leeds City Business 1893-1993 (Leeds: Leeds University Press, 1993)

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Wolverhampton Manufacturing History

 Wolverhampton is said not to be in the Black Country (unlike the nearby chain making town of Dudley), rather it is surrounded by Black Country coal fields. Like many towns in the West Midlands it business was metal, in the case of Wolverhampton locks and the name Chubb appears in early records. Another early name was Mander connected with the production of lacquer and known later for paint. Stretching back further, like many English towns, the wool trade dominated.

The West Midlands was well served by turnpike roads, but the advent of the canals opened the area to much needed bulk shipment. The commercial imperative was to get coal into nearby Birmingham, but the movement of finished goods and supplies of raw materials to other towns like Wolverhampton was important.

In his entertaining History of Wolverhampton, Chris Upton tells the convoluted story of the West Midlands canals. Much comes down to the terrain and geology. Towns were often built on hills and so canals would either need to tunnel under them or use precious water to climb and descend in flights of locks. James Brindley was the surveyor for the Staffordshire & Worcestershire canal which was the first to serve Wolverhampton in 1772. The Birmingham canal followed, also under Brindley. The problems were not so much technical as commercial, as canal companies competed with the amounts they charged users. Other canals followed, some much later under Thomas Telford, until a network was built that allowed Birmingham to claim more canals than Venice. The coming of the Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Stour railway marked the beginning of the end for the canals as arteries of commerce, but of course opened up the area to further commercial advantage.

Wolverhampton may not have had coal mines, but it did have its specialist ironmasters and ironmongers, dealing in cheaper goods, who would supply metal to workshops and then take finished products for resale. Upton suggests that workshops were nearly always small, but that the work of the ironmongers made it, taken as a whole, mass production. In relation to the more specialised ironmasters, who were more often to be found in nearby Rugeley and Bewdley, their production would be worked into high quality locks and scythes. One manufacturer, William Wood, extended his skills into copper coinage for America. In time, manufacture began to match that of Birmingham with buttons, shoe-buckles and watch chains. In terms of mechanisation, it is said that one of the first Newcomen engines for Mr Back of Wolverhampton.

The railways would point the way for manufacturing in Wolverhampton as the GWR selected the town for their northern workshop. Here were manufactured mainly tank engines, but there was also a repair facility making it a close rival to Swindon. In terms of ‘independents’, Henry Meadows supplied gear boxes and petrol and diesel engines. The railways served major local manufacturers including steel makers Stewarts & Lloyds at Horseley Fields and Bilston. The scene must have been similar to Sheffield with blast furnaces, forges and crucibles. Wolverhampton featured in the Great Exhibition of 1851.

Following on from railways came bicycles where Wolverhampton and companies like Rudge and Sunbeam competed with the larger cycle sector in Coventry. Sunbeam moved from cycles to motor cars and became a major employer in the town with their Sunbeamland Works. It became famous for its very fast cars, synonymous with names like Malcolm Campbell. Sunbeam would later join the Rootes Group. Other Wolverhampton companies included Guy Motors which would in wartime produce vehicles for hauling heavy guns (as shown in the image). It was later bought by Jaguar. I  write more about Guy Motors and manufacturers of military vehicles more generally in War on Wheels.

Joseph Sankey were suppliers to the motor industry and they became part of GKN. Aircraft manufacture also figured with Boulton and Paul, later Dowty Aerospace. H.M. Hobson made carburettors for aircraft and undertook the management of two shadow factories in the Second World War. It later became part of Lucas Aerospace. The American Goodyear set up tyre production in the town. Motor cycles featuresd with Villiers as boiler making did with John Thompson of which I write in Vehicles to Vaccines and which played a big part in nuclear power stations. The Electric Construction Company was another big employer specialising in generators. They later became part of Hawker Siddeley. It wasn’t only metal, Courtaulds built a factory to produce rayon and employed some 3,600 in 1936. Tarmac also had a presence in the town.

As with so many British towns, the major employers now are retailers and the NHS and University. An exception is the American Collins Aerospace which can trace its origins back to Lucas.

Take a look at my books How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World and Vehicles to Vaccines which look at the history of British manufacturing sector by sector and chronologically. Here is part of my  geographical exploration. 

Further reading

Chris Upton, A History of Wolverhampton (Chichester: Phillimore, 1998)

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Coventry Manufacturing History

I write of the motor industry in How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World (HBSTMW) and in three chapters of Vehicles to Vaccines: Volume Car Makers, Speciality Car Makers and Commercial Vehicles and Motor Component Manufacturers. The image is of the Geneva Motor Show in 1949 where the Rootes Group, one of Coventry's finest, are seriously engaged in the post war export drive.

The city of Coventry, long associated with the story of Lady Godiva, had as its major industry the making of ribbons. This trade it shared with neighbouring Nuneaton, Bedworth and much of north Warwickshire. The trade prospered until 1860 and the passing of a law which allowed imports; thereafter Coventry and its neighbours found themselves undercut except for woven tapes. J & J Cash remains in Coventry as manufacturers of name tapes amongst much else.

The other Coventry industry, a child of the industrial revolution when time became relevant to people’s lives, was the making of clocks and watches. The city wasn’t alone in this but it was significant. Nearby Lutterworth was home to the Corrall family who started making clocks in 1727.

Kenneth Richardson in his book Twentieth Century Coventry writes of how in the nineteenth century ‘watchmaking was beginning to supplant [the ribbon trade] in the affections of young men who wished to acquire a skill’. From this grew many small workshops, working in much the same way as their counterparts in London’s Clerkenwell, but also factories such as Rotherhams and the Coventry Movement Company. The industry largely died with the impact of Swiss competition but it did equip the city with skills it would need for its push into vehicles of all kinds. In How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World I suggest that the skills employed in making sewing machines also translated into the industry of bicycle making.

Richardson does take one important step back by bringing onto centre stage Alfred Herbert. I write in Vehicles to Vaccines of the fundamental importance to manufacturing industry of machine tools. Herbert, the son of a builder, began in 1887 in general engineering but he gravitated toward machine tools and in 1914 was employing 2,000 men making him the largest machine tool maker in England. In time Coventry attracted other machine tool makers including Charles Churchill who brough American machine tool practice from his native USA. Another American, Oscar Hamer, joined Herbert as his general manager. Alfred Herbert subsequently moved to larger premises in Lutterworth.  It was taken over by the TI Group. I write more of the machine tools industry in Vehicles to Vaccines.

The manufacture of bicycles in numbers sufficient to supply the market required these machine tools but also entrepreneurs.

The Coventry Riley family had been a ribbon manufacturers but turned their hands to bicycles. From Sussex came the Starleys and George Singer. William Herbert, Alfred’s brother, joined Londoner William Hillman. Thomas Humber came from Beeston just outside Nottingham and Daniel Ridge came over from Wolverhampton. I write about the development of the bicycle industry in How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World.

The First World War, with its insatiable demands on industry about which I wrote in Ordnance, provided a major boost to Coventry as a growing city of manufacturers. Motor cycles and motor cars followed the bicycle and the city also attracted Courtaulds for the manufacture of Rayon, and telephone and other electronics including British Thomson Houston (BTH) from neighbouring Rugby.

Thomson Houston was one of the major American electrical engineers which had merged with the pioneering Thomas Edison in 1892 and became General Electric (GE) I write of them in my blog on the American Electricity Industry. They viewed the British market as attractive and set up in 1900 to compete with their major rival Westinghouse which had set up in Trafford Park in Manchester in 1897. The Rugby site concentrated on the manufacture of incandescent light bulbs but to this was added heavy electrical engineering as more and more areas of the UK sought electrical generation.

In 1915 GEC bought the Copeswood estate at Stoke in Coventry to build a new factory. Six years later it moved its Peel-Conner telephone manufacturing operations from Manchester to the site, a move that coincided with the BPO (Post Office) standardising their accepted telephone designs. Over the years the company expanded, taking over a number of former Coventry factories producing a large proportion of the Strowger telephone system for the UK. By 1970 GEC, which had combined with AEI and English Electric, had seven factories in the city employing 30,000 people. Its production of the Strowger system ceased in Coventry in 1974. I write in Vehicles to Vaccines of the struggle for supremacy in the subsequent electronic telephone systems. GEC Telecommunications in Coventry was a keen contender.

Like so many British cities, Coventry played a major role in equipping the forces in the First World War, so much so that the city council claimed :

‘It is safe to say that no English city was so completely absorbed in munitions production as Coventry…It was not merely a question of adaptability of existing facilities. New factories sprang up in such numbers and on such a scale as to change the whole face of the city in the matter of a few months. New suburbs grew up like mushrooms, thousands of strangers of both sexes flocked to Coventry from all parts of England in answer to the call for munitions.’

The Coventry Ordnance Factory built beside the Coventry canal manufactured guns so big that machine tools were moved to them rather than the more conventional production line. I write of this in How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World and my book on army supply in WW1, Ordnance.

Motor car manufacture grew like topsy following the end of the war. By 1931 there were eleven separate motor companies and forty that had tried and failed in the same period. I wrote in How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World of how Daimler was first but with Lanchester, Siddeley-Deasy close behind. Morris bought the French Hotchkiss. The Rootes brothers combined Humber and Hillman. Vickers had a presence in Coventry through their Wolseley subsidiary later bought by Morris. William Lyons brought the Swallow Sidecar company to the city where it became Jaguar. The Rover company had made bicycles but under the guidance of the Wilkes brothers became producers of luxury cars and, after the Second World War, the Land Rover.

It wasn’t just the main manufacturers, components companies came. Birmingham’s Dunlop bought a wheel and rim manufacturer in the city and added to this its Aviation and Engineering Divisions. White and Poppe made engines and Carbodies was established by a former Daimler employee.

The Second World War presented yet further challenges for the manufacturers of the city. As I argue elsewhere, the war for the manufacturers began in the mid thirties with the building of the shadow factories for aircraft production and I write about this major initiative in How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World. As well as providing vital capacity for the motor companies to supplement the production of the main aircraft companies, they provided space for the motor companies and others to expand when, after the war, the nation was desperate for exports to pay for imports of food and materials.

Between 1939 and 1945, BTH in Coventry and Leicester provided 500,000 magnetos for the RAF. J.D Siddeley expanded his aircraft production at nearby Bagington. T.G  John of Alvis became in effect a subcontractor to Rolls-Royce for the repair of engines. GEC manufactured the VHF radio link for the RAF enabling the Squadron Leader to communicate in flight with all his aircraft. Alfred Herbert manufactured some 65,000 machine tools and Gauge and Tool provided measuring devices for the huge armament industry.

The Second World War also brought a devastating night of enemy bombing on 14 November 1940 which destroyed the greater part of the cathedral and many factories including old cycle factories: the Coventry Machinists’ Works, the Rover Meteor Works and the Triumph factory. I write in War on Wheels how the people of the city rose to the challenge of the disaster.

Aviation came to Coventry with the shadow factories. Armstrong-Whitworth moved their aero business to the old RAF airfield at Whitley a little outside the city where they built a supersonic wind tunnel linked to a Ferranti Pegasus computer. Hawker Siddeley chose the site at Baginton that would become Coventry Airport for their production. Lucas aerospace had a presence in the city. I write of post-war aviation in Vehicles to Vaccines.

Sir Frank Whittle and the invention of the jet engine belongs to Midlands manufacturing towns. One of the two prototype engines was made by BTH at Lutterworth; the other by Metrovick in Manchester. Subsequent development through the company Power Jets was based at Whetstone just south of Leicester. I write of the early development of the jet engine in How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World.

Coventry thrived with this combination of machine tools, motor cars, aeroplanes, manmade fibres and electronics. For a whole variety of different reasons of which I write in Vehicles to Vaccines, the city’s manufacturing shrunk but did not disappear. Jaguar Land Rover have their corporate office at Whitley, the Manufacturing Technology Centre is based at Ansty Park and Aston Martin Lagonda is at Gaydon.

Further reading

Kenneth Richardson, Twentieth Century Coventry (London: Macmillan, 1972)

Graces Guide

Manufacturing places - the art of re-invention

My exploration of British manufacturing has been sector by sector and chronological. I am now beginning to join up the dots and explore thos...